Oil paints have incredible richness, flexibility, and depth of colour. Oil painting is so well-liked because it gives the artist flexibility.  They provide permanency, toughness, and a difficult-to-replicate colour and finish quality. The iconic resonance of the paintings made in oils has permanently altered the way we view art. 

It’s a medium that enables the creation of stunning landscapes, abstract paintings, and portraits in a variety of painting techniques. A number of methods, including Pentimento, Alla Prima, Chiaroscuro, Glazing, and Underpainting, can be used to create an oil painting. 

Van Gogh was the next to invent impasto, a painting technique in which wet paint was put to a wet surface or onto a paint layer that was still rather wet. Here, the artist purposefully uses thick coats of oil paint to create the appearance of bristles.

Different artists use different application techniques. A brush, a palette knife, or a cloth can all be used to apply oil paint to the substrate of your choice. 

In contrast to acrylic, oil paints contain more pigment, allowing for more vibrant and reachable colours. 

Other types of paintings are less valuable than oil paintings. The value and appeal of an oil painting will remain unaffected even after a hundred years. For many people who enjoy art, this is probably the most prominent factor.

EuACA's Best Practice Recommendations for Impasto Painting with Oil Colours  | Just Paint[image from just paint]

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