Watercolour is a coloured pigment in a water-soluble binder. The paint dissolves when you mix in water and help it to spread along the brush on the paper. The artwork done by watercolours is called watercolour art.  [image from the postman’s knock] MATERIALS REQUIRED FOR WATERCOLOUR PAINTING Following are the basic tools required:  Watercolour paper  […]


Pebble painting is a form of art where you paint on pebbles or rocks. Rocks or pebbles can be found anywhere but all you need to do is use your creativity and artistic skills to turn them into beautiful pieces. Painting pebbles can also decrease your stress levels and bring calmness to you.  [image from […]

Paper used for watercolor painting

Your choice of watercolour paper can have a significant impact on the calibre of your work. Low-quality paper may allow you to make some financial savings, but you’ll discover that some watercolour methods are challenging to execute since watercolour pigments do not react well on cheap surfaces. Additionally, you don’t want the paper to start […]