Wood painting is a type of art form in which the artist creates artwork on wooden objects. Artists generally use paint brushes and paint on a flat wooden panel in order to display a design. The paintings of this concept are mainly inspired by nature. Such as sea, trees, animals, habitats, and geometric shapes are […]

Why do so many artists use oil paints?

Oil paints have incredible richness, flexibility, and depth of colour. Oil painting is so well-liked because it gives the artist flexibility.  They provide permanency, toughness, and a difficult-to-replicate colour and finish quality. The iconic resonance of the paintings made in oils has permanently altered the way we view art.  It’s a medium that enables the […]

What surfaces can I use oil paint on

Oil paint may be applied to a range of surfaces and is the ideal paint for achieving varied appearances because of its characteristic multiplicity. Despite the fact that canvas is often associated with oil paintings, oil can really be used on a range of media, including canvas, paper, wood, and even some metals like copper […]

What brushes should I use for oil painting?

Although price is not the only consideration, it is a good idea to choose items of the finest quality you can afford. Paintbrushes made specifically for oils have slightly different looks. They frequently have long handles. It makes sense to paint in this manner, with your brush held horizontally, because oil paint won’t flow, drop, […]