Meenakari in Modern India

There are still several locations in India where meenakari is practised, and each location/state has its own distinct style. For instance, the most common hue in Banaras is rose-pink, while in Lucknow, meenakars prefer to work with blue and green Meenakari rather than silver. In contrast to silver enamelling, which is done in Bikaner, Udaipur, […]

History of Meenakari

Starting at the beginning, Persian culture gave rise to Meenakari. Because Mina is the feminine form of Minoo, which is Persian for “heaven,” she obsesses on the cyan hue of heaven. It was Iranian artisans who first developed this skill, which Mongolians later exported to other nations, including India. Mughals, who loved ornate jewelry, became […]


Minakari is a form of painting, colouring and embellishing the surface by adding brilliant colours. The word Meenakari is a blend of two words. The word ‘Meena’ is a feminine form of the word Minu which means ‘heaven‘. On the other hand, the word ‘Kari’ refers to the placing of something over the other. So […]