Painting on wood is possible with acrylic paints. It may be both a work of art and an amazing experience. Prior to beginning, you must carefully prepare your hardwood surface. You can prime wood for acrylic painting if you have plans to paint acrylic on it. use at least two coats of sealer, two coats of primer, and then start painting 

Why to prepare, seal, prime the wood before painting : 

The surface will be smoothed out and any ridges removed by first sanding the object. Acrylic paint applies more smoothly when primed. Without preparation, the porous surface of the wood would only soak up the paint you apply, producing unfavorable results in terms of colors and effects. Additionally, it stops the paint from becoming uneven. Lighter colors look more bright when primed. Without sealing, your paint’s acids could seep into the wood and rot it. Wood is shielded from changes in humidity, staining, rotting, and flaking by sealing. The support-induced discoloration is eliminated by sealing.

How to prime the wood for acrylic painting

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