There are various calligraphy fashions. The styles that might be employed to define this kind of artistic handwriting are actually quite varied. The three main subtypes of calligraphy are Western, Arabic, and Oriental. 

– Western calligraphy is useful for a number of tasks, including hand-addressing invitations, crafting beautiful written prose or poetry, and enhancing other paper crafts. 

-Arabic calligraphy, also referred to as “Islamic calligraphy,” was highly valued in Islamic culture. Scribes used it to transcribe and preserve the Qur’an.

-in Oriental or Chinese calligraphy Instead of a pen and nib, small, tapered brushes are used by artisans to create this kind of calligraphy. 

Image result for what are the different calligraphy styles islamic Foundation handImage result for oriental calligraphy [images from wikipedia] 

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